8 things you must have done at Sahyadri Park (SP), TCS

Explained the floor conundrum…Too much jargon.. isn’t it ????floor
There is a newbie, shouldn’t he know all our secrets. Let me help him with my simple analysis..
Listen carefully, nth floor of S1 is S2’s (n-1)th floor and S3’s (n-2)nd floor, where 0 <n <=8… They havent tagged me as a developer because I know nothing.

Spoon stuffed yourself…

spoonsThere are too many of us. But the same doesn’t apply to the spoons in Cafeteria… I know you must have picked twice the spoons you require and put it back once you see someone trying to have Sambhar with a fork… Aren’t we an empathetic and a courteous lot…

Bought a pen and a notepad apparently for no reason!!!!yes-free-stuff-thumb
I was in the admin zone, had nothing else to do….Hey look ,I bought
a pen and a notepad for free!!!!
Mumma can proudly write her grocery list in it..#Mission#Accomplished


Hit the button for physically challenged on the lift pad
Hitting the lift pad a number of times doesn’t bring your lift faster, praying to god does☺☺☺☺

Got confused between Tadka and Zunka
This must have happened to you while you were new at the office…
10:30 am – I am at Zunka… Breakfast ?
10:35am – Sorry..I meant Tadka..Mirchi wala… S2 Ke saamne😛😛

Prayed for a fire drill on a boring day…man in praise
Its a boring day and you have finished all your work (Assuming you had some to begin with😛😛😛😛)… Had it been a college, you would have proudly bunked by now…
But this is different… And a fire drill helps you justify your absence…

I wasn’t late, the guard didn’t let me in.

hit-by-a-doorGet hit by a door
Gates opening inwards is a norm. SP gates open outwards hitting those walking on the corridor. Worry not, isn’t that the reason you see an ambulance in the campus…

Bragged about location of the office

There is no denying the fact  that SP offers a spectacular view during monsoons. Located amidst the western ghats, the white bed of clouds covering the greenish hills is a view many yearn for. So if you have bragged about it, nothing wrong I say.

To sum it up, there are few things peculiar to every workplace..These were my observations at SP..Feel free to add yours in the comments below…


22 thoughts on “8 things you must have done at Sahyadri Park (SP), TCS

  1. Tejashree says:

    First day…came running to catch the get inside the lift. And when I got in saw there’s no buttons inside the lift 😐
    Got fooled on day 1. And then of course you get magically transported from 4th floor of S1 to 2nd floor of S3..all you gotta do is keep walking straight on a floor. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ratnadeep Brahmankar says:

    There is Khufiya Lift from Library 1st flr, HR dept 2nd flr (floor nos i don’t recall exactly).
    If u r getting late, one can catch those Lifts…But, u may get questioned by HR on why u using that lift 😊
    -Experience says 🤘

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Latif says:

    You so much get use to SP lifts that once we went to BBQ nations @ Sayaji & everyone entered the lift & did not press any button waiting for the lift to automatically take us to the top…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Priya Thomas says:

    Good observations and wonderfully written Rohit !! Now we are so used to these lifts that sometimes we forget to press the floor number when we are in the other lifts or wait for some lifts to open without calling for it.But truly its a huge campus filled with natural bliss.

    Liked by 1 person

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